Monday, November 26, 2007

Tacoma Community College in SL

I have been working with John Miller on grants and research into Second Life for about a year now. His first class in Second Life has been what I would consider an unqualified resounding success. Often, Second Life, a 3-d, multi-user, virtual environment, is used as an online meeting room. There are good reasons to do that; it can be a great meeting space because of the range of expression, demonstration, and participation that is possible in this space. But its most powerful asset is the ability to create 3-d animated simulations. Combined with role-playing, instructors have a very powerful teaching tool. Click on the link above to the article for an example.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

CIT2007 -- Second Life presentation & round table

These are photos from John Miller's presentation, my walk over the bridge, and the round table we went to. This was hard. There were so many interesting people, I was just stunned. It was great to make contact with people who I have known online and now get to meet in person.

Using Second Life’s 3D Online World to Train Online Students: CIT2007

This was a presentation I rode shotgun on with John Miller at the League for Innovation's Conference on Information Technology. It is on teaching in Second Life.

Using Second Life’s 3D Online World to Train Online Students

Instructional designers and faculty in any educational program will benefit from this presentation. Included in this presentation is the unveiling of an innovative emergency/nursing education simulator (NESIM). Live patient simulations will be created and role played while RN student teams use the NESIM simulator to apply critical thinking skills and interventions.

1. Learn about SL
2. Learn how to use SL for education
3. Learn how to use simulators for interactive education
4. Learn how to develop basic simulation strategies and incorporate them into existing courses
5. Learn how to train in medical fields in SL

RL Time & Location - Conference on Information Technology, Nashville, TN Rock and Roll Room, Renaissance Hotel, 3:15pm CST, Monday, November 12, 2007

SL Time & Location - ISTE Auditorium 1:15pm SLT, Monday, November 12, 2007. Be prompt. This is a multi-location presentation in SL. The presentation will begin and end at ISTE Auditorium.

SL Event Information and Instructions

* Join the group, CIT ‘07 SL Nursing Ed Sim, before the conference. The presentation will be in voice, in group mode using this group. Please go to Preferences, Voice Chat, put a check in the boxes Enable voice chat and Start Viewer in Push-to-Talk mode. Please make sure that Push-to-Talk in toggle mode is not checked. This will eliminate sounds from your rl on the listening end. Please only press to speak, Push-to-Talk trigger) if specifically invited to by the moderator, padlurowncanoe Dibou.
* A landmark to NESIM will be sent out in a group notice. NESIM is usually “access list only” but will be open during the presentation.
* Please IM text the moderator, padlurowncanoe Dibou, with questions during the presentation. She will forward them to the appropriate presenter. Any questions not addressed during the Q&A, will receive a personal response, post-presentation.
* Direct pre and post event questions to padlurowncanoe Dibou by IM, notecard, or email,
* Direct NESIM pre and post event inquiries to JS Vavoom by notecard or email,

SL and RL Event Outline

* Live SL Musician, Komuso Tokugawa, will entertain with a few songs as attendees arrive, attain notecards, and set up group and SL voice preference for the event. The RL event will observe and listen on the big screen as RL presenters greet, pass out materials, and provide an overview of SL.
* Opening Remarks - padlurowncanoe Dibou (Cathy Walker)
* NESIM Project overview - JS Vavoom (John Miller) and Dante Arbusto (Geoff Cain)
* NESIM simulator description - JS Vavoom (John Miller) and markin Pau (David Bodily)
* Go to NESIM for live demo with Tacoma Community College RN students.
* Q&A at NESIM — text moderator, padlurowncanoe Dibou, with questions.
* Return to ISTE. Results and future SL education plans - JS, markin, and Dante (John, David, and Geoff)
* Q&A at ISTE — text moderator, padlurowncanoe Dibou, with questions.


* John Miller MN, BSN, ADN, RN, instructor of nursing, Tacoma Community College (SL - JS Vavoom)
* David Bodily BSN, RN, instructor of nursing, Western Wyoming Community College (SL - markin Pau )
* Geoff Cain MS, instructional designer, Tacoma Community College (SL Dante Arbusto)

RN Students

* Rebecca Bean, RN nursing student, Tacoma Community College (SL - 2B Schmooz)
* Marisa Aslanian, RN nursing student, Tacoma Community College (SL - BayBay Bedrosian)

A Special Thanks To

* Andy Duckworth, BA, distance learning coordinator, Tacoma Community College

Event Coordinator

* Cathy Walker, Educational Technology and Network Admin, St. Vincent de Paul (SL - padlurowncanoe Dibou)

Monday, November 12, 2007

CIT2007 Def Jams

God I'm so very cool...

21st Century Learning Styles and Mobile Technologies

Mon. 11:00 AM
21st Century Learning Styles and Mobile Technologies
Chris Dede, Professor, Learning Technologies, Harvard University, MA

Where are we going with all technologies and the opportunities thye represent.
Evolution of Education
Shifts in knowledge and skills
Development of new teaching methods
Changes in learnings
Emerging information tech is changing all of these.

He showed an animoto type film that was part of a Panasonic commercial.

The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman
Emerging interactive media
New work uses new tech but we are teaching with old tech.
Changes: thinking is now distributed (across space, time, and media).

Showed another video from Microsoft. (Annoying, loud and long.)
Microsoft also makes crap films.

Jenkin’s Framework for New Literacies
Don Leu’s “Characteristics of New Literacies”

“Next Generation” Interfaces for Distributed Learning
Multi-user environments
Ubiquitous Computing

“River City Project” website was mentioned.

Question: Why ubiquitous computing?
Student ratio
Wireless mobile computing
Equity and effectiveness
“Animistic environments for learning”

There were a series of unaddressed buzz words in quotation marks.

He made the point that microprocessors are everywhere. A possibility of an “animistic world.” “Smart objects and intelligent contexts” enable “augmented realities.”

Harvard’s hand-held devices projects
Good for portable research assistants and traveling conduits for learning.

Lecture is a weak form of teaching.

“Handheld Augmented Reality Project” Another video was shown. This project used handhelds to engage students in roleplaying and problem solving using language and math. Used pocket PCs with GPS devices. He wants to do the same thing in the future with GPS enabled phones.
Each team has a GPS
Virtual characters

Pedagogical models
Apprenticeship and mentoring
Collaborative learing

How People Learn 1999

“Situated Learning”
A culture of learning where everyone brings something to the table to contribute to the learning.

Mediated, situated, immersed

There is the challenge of being able to get students to work as a team, assessment is not based on tests and papers, but with data mining.

We can’t expect students to learn the way we teach; we must teach the way they learn.

Learning modalites should also include media intelligence.

“Neomillenial” Learning styles

He teaches a distributed learning course

Implications for professional development
Codesign, coinstruction, guided social constructivism, assessment beyond tests and papers.

Professional development and communities of unlearning
Developing fluency in using emerging interactive media
Unlearning assumptions about teaching

Closed with McLuhan.

Eon Reality: Visualized Learning: Technology,Convergence, and Learning

Emerging and Future Educational Technology
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Visualized Learning: Technology,Convergence, and Learning
Innovations in visualized learning have fueled a convergence of technological advancement,acceptance, and advanced learning, and can be effectively connected to online, real-time assessment and other learning modalities using 3D digital objects and other visual assets. Session participants interact with these immersive technologies and become aware of the potential impact of this convergence.

Software package...

Jamie Justice, Director, Visualized Learning and
Innovation, Kentucky Community and Technical
College System, KY


Innovation and environment
How do we appeal to all types of learners no matter what their age or learning style. He spoke of digital natives, immigrants, and millenials and then coined the term "centurians" for those who are in multiple centuries (???) Anyway...

Telepresence and tele-environments

Technology is creating new kinds of learning environments.
Visual environments that are totally immersive like SIQuant, a virtual model of 10 actual Portugese villages.

Visualized learning = shortened learning cycles and immersive education.
"Eon Digital Consortia"

"Interactive Digital Center"

Eon Reality software is being used at KCTCS to enhance workforce education.

Teaching and Learning methodology: meeting student needs.

innovative instruction <-- instructional factors --> assessment
\ /
\--------------> curriculum <-----------------/
workforce training

The software creates 3-d models to help learners "see" and experience the object being worked on. Example: a manufacturing plant uses 80 robots to create a product. It would cost too much to create training facilities that would train all of the workers. This software can do a lot of that work.

He had a slide that quoted Neil Fleming
--a collection of data is not information
--a collection of information is not knowledge
--a collection of knowledge is not wisdom
--a collection of wisdom is not truth

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Photos from CIT2007

From Tagging to Teaching : Practical Examples of using Blackboard Scholar for Social Bookmarking CIT2007

11:00 AM From Tagging to Teaching : Practical Examples of using Blackboard Scholar for Social Bookmarking
Grand Rapids Community College
• Define social bookmarking
• Provide an overview of Scholar
• How GRCC got started with Scholar
• Examples in Teaching and Learning
• Scholar in the future

They defined social bookmarking.
The practice of saving bookmarks to a public web site and tagging them with keywords.
Saving your bookmarks online, share resources, discover new links, and tag your bookmarks.

Social bookmarking is resource sharing. A resource is anything with a URL.

Bb Scholar is part of the Blackboard Beyond Initiative
Centrally hosted
Integrated with Blackboard
Customized for education

RSS reader

Has social networking abilities.

It must be accessed through an LMS. Accounts are free and they don’t go away.

Academic resources shared across courses and institutions throughout your academic career.

Uses the same kind of bookmarking technology as delicious bookmarks.

Has fields for tags, discipline tags, course tags.

Gave a basic explanation of folksonomies and the intelligence of crowds. Overtime people begin to use the same kinds of tags. Others begin to shape how everyone else begins to use the information.

The tag cloud feature works a lot like delicious.

Instructors can create a “Scholar Course Site” – the only ones who can access the page is the members of the class. Instructors can move the elements of the page from course to course. This still feels like how to make web 2.0 back into web 1.0.

GRCC roll out
Student orientations, e-mails, news letters, training sessions

Educational uses of Social Bookmarking:
Enhance computer literacy
Allow students to contribute to course resources
Provide student-centered learning
Social networking with an academic focus

They are using for basically gathering resources. Sharing links.

This tool is for instructors that do not understand the true power of web 2.0 and are really concerned about control and access.
They are still concerned about librarians and teachers as gatekeepers to knowledge.
There is a sharing piece to it. One of the real strengths of a true web 2.0 app is the collective wisdom of the unwashed masses. As Charlie Crawford said to me, "the barbarians are at the gates and they are not going back!"

The Best of Both Worlds: Second Life + Moodle = Sloodle! CIT2007

9:45 AM – 10:45
The Best of Both Worlds: Second Life + Moodle = Sloodle!
See how the world’s most popular learning management system can be linked to the most
popular 3D virtual world. Sloodle incorporates tools within Second Life that tie to a Moodle installation, allowing for in-world blogs that post to a website, chats between avatars and online students, and even in-world attendance tracking. Come learn how this exciting project started, where it stands now, and where it is headed.

D.I. von Briesen, Instructor, Futures Institute, Central Piedmont Community College, NC

Avatar: Icabad Vallejo

Used a flickr account at the beginning of the presentation – it was a collection of pictures from Second Life.

He opened the presentation with Radio Paradise in Windows Media Player.
Handed out a playing card that had the URL

He discussed the importance of mood established by creating an environment – he used images and pictures to open the workshop to create an atmosphere.

They have a campus Island. He is offering office space for free for educators.

There are weekly meetings sloodle.

Question: how do you create a mashup between Moodle and SL? Why would you want to do this?

Second Life is good for:
1. Proximity
2. Emotional investment

Every Weds. 2:00 PM there is a developers meeting.

Jeremy Kemp at San Jose State headed up sloodle.

A mash-up actually has to use an API. Code that allows other programs to talk to one another.

Linden Labs made the code open source (the client not the server)

Question: How does a quiz happen in Second Life? Is it something that we should be doing in SL? Quizzes can be given some visual reinforcement.

There is a chat integration between sl & moodle. They use a chat logger. If someone was logged into Moodle, they can use this to chat with people in Second Life. This allows others who can not get into SL, are on a PDA, or a low connection speed.

He has a history instructor that gives extra credit for building virtual, historical sites.

Why would you want to give a slide show in SL? There is a sense of being and communicating in a space. There is a powerpoint that discusses this. But he says it is too long. The screens are going to be able to share from Flickr.

They are asking what is appropriate for teaching. An HUD for students should be able to reflect how people communicate in real time.

He considers Second Life as a 3-d web.

He used the Sloodle toolbar HUD (heads up display). User still has to authenticate into Moodle. The HUD has a blog and classroom gestures. The 3d world has a line of communication between SL & Moodle. HUD puts all the gestures one needs all in one place.

There are modules you have to install on Moodle.

Princeton just bought 9 islands.

We were at a place in SL called sloodleville (Sloodle Learning Center).

There is no connection between the assignments and the gradebook.

They want to create an in-world browser.

Virtual Classes in Virtual Worlds CIT2007

Conference Notes – The League for Innovation CIT 2007

Sunday, Nov. 11

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Virtual Classes in Virtual Worlds
Cathy House, Professor, Trukee Meadows Community College, NV
Travis Souza, Coordinator, e-learning, Trukee Meadows Community College, NV

They are using Moodle and Second Life. They are using SL in online courses. A real estate course and an art course use SL.

They gave a basic, step-by-step demonstration on how to set up an account. The description should have given more of an idea that this was going to be a basic beginners’ demonstration. They should have taken some kind of poll to figure out if anyone is using SL or not.

The hand-out gives me some ideas for creating our own tutorials.

Some pros and cons of SL will be discussed.

They showed ICT teaching materials

Methods for teaching:
1. Using webpages as objects of a wall
2. Static presentation
3. Watching videos
4. Infocards
5. Navigation maps (teleports)
6. PowerPoint and interactive white boards
7. RSS feeds
8. Movies
9. LMS
a. Angel
b. Moodle (sloodle)

They then went into “Who’s using SL?”
• Harvard
• University of Florida
o Digital communication
• Suny
• Ohio University

There was someone here who is using Active Worlds and online games.

They then took us to the usual places Harvard and NOAA.

They went to

Enhanced Podcasting Presentation

Enhanced Podcasting

From: geoffcain, 14 minutes ago

This is a presentation on podcasting by Geoff Cain and Andy Duckworth from Tacoma Community College presented at the 2007 CIT.

SlideShare Link