Image via CrunchBase
This is a presentation on the integration of Kaltura Video into Sakai. We will discuss the use cases for the project and why it was developed. We will also present results of the pilot at UVA. There will be a demonstration of using the Media Gallery tool to create a media collection and using the Sakai Rich Text Editor integration to capture, edit, and embed video into various other parts of Sakai.
Kaltura is an open source video transcoding system to put content into Sakai. It is like YouTube except it is siloed. I am not sure if this is a good thing but for student privacy or some copyright issues this may be important.
The users will create collections of media. The processing and coding of video is done on Kaltura's servers. It is holding content and delivered through Sakai. The beta has been released first production in the Fall. Can be installed in Sakai 2.5-2.7
Instructors can create collections and site libraries. Content can go in the library and then the instructor can create a collection for a course or an assignment.
Instructors and students are able to tag the videos and write descriptions.
There are institutions using Kaltura for lecture capture.
There is a "Media Gallery" link in his course that becomes available to the students for their courses.
They are working on integrating with HTML5 so it will work on iPhones.
I was afraid of this presentation at first because I thought it would be too technical but this was clearly presented. It was a good over-view of the tools.
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