I have included our agenda and discussion questions in this posting. This is a link to the resource page for the presentation along with a link to the powerpoint presentation which I based on information from Student PIRG and other sources (it is the slideshare called "Open Textbooks, Open Doors"): http://geoffcain.wikispaces.com/OER
Open Textbooks Agenda
10:00 AM
1. Introductions
2. What is a textbook and why are they so expensive?
3. Copyright, Public Domain, and Creative Commons
10:30 AM
4. The Open Source Concept
5. What is an Open Text?
6. Some Examples
7. Organizations for Open Texts
11:00 AM
8. Advantages of Open Texts
9. Disadvantages
10. Vetting and Reviewing
11. Alternative Business Models
11:30 AM
12. Example: Dave Arnold's Math Text
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
13. Finding Your Text
14. Collaborating with Others
Open Textbooks, Open Doors
Discussion Questions
1. What do you consider to be the main benefit to open texts?
2. What do you see as the greatest drawback?
3. What are some barriers to adoption on your campus or in your dept.?
4. What are some strategies to overcoming those barriers?
5. There is a resource page at http://geoffcain.wikispaces.com/oer for this workshop,
What resources (subject matter, adoption strategies, rubrics, etc.) would you find useful?
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